As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, ‘it’s not the destination, it’s the journey.’ Very rarely do people go on adventures without a destination in mind. When our friends and family hear we’re going on holiday, often their first question is, ‘where’ are you going? But, what if you didn’t know?

What if one day you just hopped in your car and took a drive towards a place, not a specific place, but more of a direction and simply enjoyed every stop along the way?

To those who love to plan and organise, those who have probably read ‘Tips for the Perfect Road Trip’ more than once, this concept is probably terrifying. However, think of all the adventures you could have when there’s no plan to stick to and no one is expecting you.

The great thing about being totally free and having the time to explore because you don’t have a set destination is that you can stop off and look at or experience anything you want. Here are our suggestions for great pit stops:


Of course, food made it to the top of our list, and rightly so.

There’s nothing better than finding a little restaurant tucked away somewhere and having a great meal. We’re not talking about the everyday franchises you can get to on a daily basis, we’re talking about the little family owned places or tea gardens that are hidden gems.


We know this might not seem like an appealing suggestion, especially for those who aren’t interested in arts and crafts, but this suggestion is second on our list for a reason.

Often people drive past curio and craft shops because they consider them boring, but they’re missing out on the possibility of finding beautiful and interesting things, such as décor, gifts, jewellery and even tasty treats. Small craft shops are sometimes the best places to find unique gifts.


This is one thing you just can’t say no to. If anything claims to be the ‘best in the world,’ stop over and make it your mission to try it. Not only can you add it to your list of milestones, you can reserve bragging rights amongst your peers. Plus, if you’ve tried something truly worth writing home about, you can always go back and do it again.


It’s rather easy for us to say, ‘be brave,’ but what does that mean? This suggestion is very personal and only you can decide what bravery means to you. For some, it could be clipping in your carabiners and doing a forest canopy tour, doing a gorge swing or even trying a new food or drink.

If we’ve inspired you to do a trip without a destination, remember there are still some aspects of a trip that needs planning, such as the budget. So, if you’re not one of the lucky few who are millionaires, we suggest reading our blog article, ‘The ultimate guide to setting up a travel budget.’ Also, bear in mind that even though you don’t have a destination in mind, you can stay at any one of our Town Lodges or Road Lodges until you get to where your adventure takes you.

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