Business trips are exciting and they allow you to learn more about your clients and colleagues, however, there is no denying that going on a business trip, however short or long, can be very stressful and physically draining.

Often the weeks leading up to your trip are spent putting together presentations and organising the finer details of your trip so that everything runs smoothly. Some may ask, “if I’m doing all the work before the trip, why do I only feel tired and drained after the trip?”

Simply put, your tiredness often only catches up with you after your trip has ended because your adrenaline levels are lower and because travelling, whether by plane or car, is often very tiring.

So, what can you do to help pick those energy levels up and get out of your after-business trip slump? Here are our suggestions to help you re-energise after a business trip:


It’s okay to admit to your co-workers that you’re tired and need a bit of assistance after a trip. You are only human after all!

We suggest tackling one project at a time and allowing yourself short breaks in between finishing and starting a new piece of work. Giving yourself and your brain some time to process everything will help you not feel as tired or as stressed.


When feeling tired, staying hydrated is an effortless way to keep yourself awake and keep your brain switched on. Often people work so hard, they forget to eat or drink, which leads to dehydration and an increased feeling of tiredness.


Omega-3 oils aren’t only good for your heart, they’re good for your brain too. Taking Omega-3 oils can improve alertness, increase your mental reaction times which helps you feel more energetic.


Having smaller meals throughout the day instead of three large meals will help keep your blood sugar levels up and will give your body and brain more energy to work with. Eating more frequently will also help kick start your metabolism.

It’s important to note that we all feel tired from time to time, but these slumps should be easy to overcome if you look after yourself and your body. Feeling tired is the bodies way of letting us know it needs some time to rest and recover. After your next business trip, listen to your body, try our tips and get back to work feeling energised and on-the-ball.

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