Travel anxiety isn’t unheard of, nor is it uncommon. People all over the world suffer from travel related anxiety. However, feeling anxious about travelling shouldn’t stop you from experiencing the world around you.

Dealing with the unknown, or something you have no control over, is one of the many reasons people develop an anxious response to travelling. Here are some tips to help you stress less about giving in to your wanderlust:


As we mentioned above, travel anxiety often kicks in because you’re surrounded by the unfamiliar. A great way to keep your anxious feelings at bay is to research where you’re going and plan what you’re going to do.

Having a plan and some knowledge about the place you’re going to visit will help put your mind at ease. It will also help you mentally prepare for your business trip or holiday.

Need some help planning your trip or investigating the place you’re going to visit? Read our blog post “4 Ways to Explore Your Destination Before You Get There.”


To some, lists may seem silly, but to those who suffer from anxiety lists can be calming. Lists help you gather your thoughts and remind you of what you need to do before setting off on your travels. They also help redirect your focus when you’re worried or feeling anxious.

Making to-do lists and packing lists help you focus on what needs to be done. They also ensure you don’t forget anything while packing.


Don’t leave packing for the night before or the morning of your trip. Waiting to pack all your things at the last minute is a sure-fire way to increase your stress levels and make you anxious. Rather, pack a day or two in advance.

Put all your important items, such as documents, devices and maps, in a place where they’re easy to find. Picking a spot in your luggage or backpack for important items will ensure they don’t get lost. You’ll also feel reassured knowing they are safe and in the same place.


Whether your anxiety is travel related or not, you need to remember to breathe. Things don’t always go as planned, but that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying your travels. Here are things you need to remember while on your travels:

1)      I am here to learn and see something new.

2)      Things don’t always go as planned and that is okay.

3)      Just because plans have changed, it doesn’t mean I won’t have fun.

4)      I am here to learn about myself and the world around me.

5)      I CAN do this!

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