We’re all feeling a bit of COVID-fatigue. We’ve been on high alert for so long that we’re just wishing and dreaming for something to feel like normal. Level 5 of lockdown was obviously extreme, but even the levels that followed with more relaxed restrictions haven’t been easy. Remembering to take a mask with you and checking you have enough hand sanitiser is now just part of the routine.
For us, it’s been difficult as well. Though we’ve obviously implemented the most stringent protocols to ensure the safety of both our guests and our staff, we know that, for the time being, the best way to keep safe is to stay at home.
As soon as we had the opportunity to open some of our hotels for business travel, we jumped at it. The tricky balance of staying safe but keeping our economy going is important – so we wanted to provide those travelling for business the best, safest experience while away from home. This allowed us to set some of the best rates we’ve ever had – better anything we’ve had to offer to date!

That got us thinking, though. It’s so unfair that these rates only benefit the handful of people who are required to travel for business. Our poor leisure guests and holiday-makers, locked up at home with bored children in a make-shift home office – they’re the ones who deserve a real, affordable holiday. A breath of fresh air (quite literally sometimes, remember to open a window from time to time) amongst all the craziness.
And that is how we birthed a new concept – something that means you don’t miss out just because you’re keeping yourself and your family safe at home. Introducing:
Book Now, Stay Later
We can’t be certain how long these rates will be applicable. Book your future visit now, to secure these great rates. One thing’s for sure, they definitely won’t last once more of our hotels open for business and we’re ready to cater for leisure travellers on a larger scale. So, there is a big benefit to booking right now, you get to jump on these never-before-seen rates!
No one quite knows when things will be back to normal. Regulations may relax, but the virus will still be a real threat for some time to come. We completely understand that it’s the responsible thing to do to wait it out even further until you feel safe to take a holiday again.

Which is why we’re offering all our guests the chance to Book Now, Stay Later. So, what are you waiting for? Get to https://www.clhg.com and get booking!