Like young birds anxious to get out the nest and fly, you’ve probably been feeling a bit anxious to get out and feel a bit normal again. With coronavirus alert level 3 came some new freedoms – a larger window to go exercising, alcohol was allowed to be sold again and, importantly for us here at City Lodge Hotel Group, business travel is being allowed. But we are not out of the woods yet, as all the protocols you face everywhere you go remind you. It’s important for us all to still remain as cautious as possible. Some might even feel like it’s still not safe at all to leave your homes and, while we cannot speak for other places, we wanted to explain why that is not true of our hotels.
Full Consideration of Our Staff’s Safety

Staff that work in a public space, such as ours, are a major concern. We care as much about our staff being healthy as our guests – we could not operate if we were to focus on one or the other. It is simply not enough to require staff to wear a mask while they’re on shift. Though, as many public discussions have pointed out; what about staff who need to use public transport to get to work? What about their safety when they’re at home? How can employers assist their staff holistically?
At City Lodge Hotel Group, we’ve implemented intensive guidelines that staff need to follow to ensure their safety. Included in this is an extensive staff education program that has explains how the virus is transmitted and the best practices of combatting it. We want our staff to be healthy and happy so that they are able to make our guests feel at home.
Extensive Screening

Staff and guests alike have been and will continue to be screened upon entering our buildings. This screening includes a temperature reading, to pick up signs of fever, and being asked a series of questions to ascertain an individual’s risk of exposure to the virus. If any of these measures raises concerns, the individual will be directed to the nearest medical facility. It is through this rigorous screening process that we aim to lower the risk of someone carrying the virus entering our hotels so that our guests are able to feel safe during their stay with us.
Business Travel First

We’ve said a number of times already – we truly miss our guests. As necessary as the lockdown regulations are, it did mean we were unable to do what we love the most; welcome guests at our hotels. We are tremendously excited to be open for business again – albeit for business travellers only at this point. By phasing in the return of our guests, we’re able to further optimise our procedures. This will help us provide safe, affordable accommodation across the country to everyone once we are able to do so.
Everything Else You’re Used To (And Some Extras)

Our protocols have been directed by governmental guidelines and the findings of healthcare officials. You will see familiar sights, like staff in face masks, face shields and gloves, and be required to follow familiar regulations, like having your hands sprayed upon entry and cash no longer being accepted. But it’s important to know that it doesn’t stop there. We’d never be satisfied with doing the bare minimum, rather we have reconsidered every aspect of what we do to gear it towards providing a safer experience for you, our guests. From meals, to room allocations, we have done our utmost to reimagine a safe hotel experience in light of COVID-19. If you haven’t already, please take a look at our full list of protocols.
To our business guests, know that throughout lockdown we have been planning the implementation of these protocols, sourcing the best equipment and rethinking how we can serve you safely. If you are required to travel for work, we have a number of hotels open at very affordable rates and we look forward to your stay with us! To everyone else, please keep safe – it’s important to continue following the lockdown regulations. We look forward to the day when we will be able to welcome everyone into our hotels again, and hope to see you soon!