Whether the festive fun has left you with a couple of extra kilos, or a significantly smaller bank balance, we’ve got some brilliant tips to get you on the right track for an adventurous year ahead. Don’t let those overindulgences get in the way of your exploration in 2015!


Whatever your goal, break it down into its simplest form – to ensure that you have the best chance possible of achieving it.

Woman eating noodles. Woman eating noodles while lying on the co

If you want to lose weight, then don’t set yourself an unrealistic goal of only eating salads for the next month. A better option is to slowly start changing your habits – have the veg or salad option instead of chips with meals, swap out greasy junk food snacks for baked fat free options, and switch to the healthy version wherever you can. Often it’s more of a mental block than anything else, and the healthy option can taste as delicious, if not more so, than the unhealthy version.

If instead you need to Nip/Tuck your spending so that your bank balance can start looking a little healthier, you can kill two birds with one stone here. Tightening up a little on the treats will make a bigger difference than you realise – and you will probably also notice a difference in your waistline soon as well.


Studies lean towards suggesting that it takes around 21 days to form a new habit, so if you feel like you’re struggling for the first few days, just power through and remember – it will get easier and become a more natural part of your lifestyle over time.

If it’s just not sticking, then you might find that you’ve tried to change too much, too fast. So simply take a step back and reassess, before you decide to cave completely and go straight back to all the bad habits.


Resolutions and goals are easier to achieve when you are working towards a great reward. So don’t just try and save for the sake of saving – rather save up for an amazing road trip or relaxing holiday.


Try and think about the bigger picture when being tempted by little indulgences. That cappuccino every morning will quickly add up, taking away money you could have spent on a great experience instead. If you normally buy lunch every day, just do a quick calculation as to how much you are spending each week – it will scare you! Rather make yourself your favourite sandwiches at home every morning, so that you not only save, but know that you’ll look forward to your lunch.

Just keep that goal in your mind, and it will make it easier for you to “nip” that temptation in the bud!

What is your goal for this year? Where do you want the year to take you?

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