Most of our guests stay with us while on business trips, and we know how difficult it can be to stay productive when traveling (or just simply during a month filled with public holidays like April).
So it’s to this end that we want to impart some great productivity advice to not only help you through April, but that can be used throughout the year.
You’ve probably heard this one before, but if you have, it’s because it’s so true. The best form of productivity is working in such a way that you have a lot more time to enjoy yourself. This doesn’t mean that you should hurry through your work, but it means that when you set about a task, think it through a little first, and decide on the best way to approach it. Once you’ve done that, you’ll probably find that the actual task itself goes quicker than usual, and will be done properly, so you won’t have to revisit it.
As much as some of us like to work in organised chaos, you’ve probably also noticed that if your environment is too messy and cluttered, you start to feel stressed as soon as you enter the door. Calm your mind, and decrease the stress by de-cluttering your work space.
Also, if you’re staying in one of our hotels on a business trip, make a point of leaving the desk in your room empty of knick knacks and daily mess. This will make it easier to quickly get down to work when you need to, making the whole process that much quicker and more successful.
Keep yourself on track by scheduling certain times during the day where you put your phone off (or on silent and away for those unable to actually switch off), as well as turn off anything that normally distracts you during the day. Isolate yourself away from people, and get used to thinking of that time as your quiet work time. Once you get over the initial withdrawal, you’ll soon find that you start working purely because there’s nothing else to do.
Here’s a great tip to basically trick yourself into being productive, even when you aren’t feeling particularly industrious. Every time you sit down to complete a task, start forming some habits that you do every time, like drink tea, listen to certain music, sit in a certain place that you stay away from when relaxing. All these little things will allow your brain to start associating certain activities with working, and will help your brain switch over into productivity mode.
Productive people not only wake up earlier, but also get enough sleep in the first place. Once you’re not thinking clearly at night anymore, answer the call from your bed, anything you produce after this time will probably have to be redone anyway. If you get to sleep at a reasonable time, on a comfortable bed, then you will sleep well and be able to wake up earlier. The earlier you wake up, the earlier you get going on the tasks of the day.
You’ll soon find that you’ll get all your work done while your brain is fresh, and will have your evening to relax and enjoy yourself. After all, the whole point of productivity is so that you can properly enjoy that time off. Enjoy it City Lodgers!